Friday, April 3, 2009

tick tock cuckoo

it's 11:25.

i have just eaten my two buffalo wing white slices, and i have a cheese calzone for tomorrow. of course, i didn't really eat the chicken, because it's friday and mom says i can't eat meat. right.

i watched all fifty one episodes of arrested development over the course of four and a half days. my next show will be the office.


um, i'm drinking dr. pepper. this i was from my food. i wouldn't have had to get food if what i ordered at work would have shown up. i called in and ordered a mexican pizza with a ginger ale to be delivered to my building. i waited fifty minutes until i called asking if they had left, to which the man replied, "Eets ahn eets weh". i waited another ten minutes to get a phone call from a security guard at some other building, saying that the kid delivered the food to the wrong place, but it was on it's way over. i waited another forty minutes until it was 9:40 at night and we were closing the building for the night. i went home hungry, and got my pizza.



i have work tomorrow. work from 10:30 - 1:30, then to cromwell for more work until 3:00. then to marissa and lauren's new apartment to help the former with jazz, then to fenix studios for rehearsal with sarah and whoever else decides to show up. sunday, i have work in the morning. monday, nothing. tuesday, i have work at rustic. i owe some make up lessons that i have to get settled then. i owe  billy, dan, gabe, joe, nisam, allie, greg, giovanni, melissa... jose.


it's 11:36. that's ninety-two and a half hours until i ask about a trip. i wait, i wait, i wait, i wait, i wait. i wait. i wait, wait, wait. i wait and wait. i wait some more. and then, i wait. i wait.


i wait. but my patience wears down. is this virtuous? nay, i say. it's advantageous is what it is.


  1. what's a mexican pizza?

  2. it's a flour tortilla covered in mexican goodness (tomatoes, beans, rice, peppers, steak, etc) in a foil bowl. it looks like dog food, but it tastes sooooooo daaaaaaaamn goooooooood.

  3. Man. That is a long time to wait for food. Buffalo chicken pizza is delicious though, as is Dr. Pepper.

    May I suggest "Lost" as another show you might watch? All available on

  4. i tried lost, ad i just couldn't get into it. i suppose it's worth another shot though. that'll go next on my list.


  6. I decided to see what all the fuss was about, because you (Ash and Jackie) are always raving about it... so I watched the first couple episodes yesterday and now I'm hooked. To the detriment of the things I SHOULD be doing. lol

  7. i am not always raving about it; that is a lie. to be honest, i haven't gotten around to it yet, but the few episodes i saw, i wasn't impressed with. but everyone's hooked (including you now, j lol) so i'm going to give it another shot.

  8. i didn't say that you're always raving about it. the statement was addressed to Ash and Jackie, hence the qualification of "you"

  9. jeremy do you have a blog?! make me able to read it!!!!!

  10. i created one, but right now it's blank...
