Thursday, January 14, 2010

the "p" word

it's "patience". it's something that's being tested daily, but not in the you're-trying-my-patience kind of way; more in the i-need-to-learn-to-have-more-patience kind of way.

i feel like i'm running into walls with the lessons. i find that distractions are a great way to cope with impatience, but i really do feel like i'm cheating. and as much as they yield similar results, i'd like to know i had the patience to sit something out. in my head, it's so easy. but then again, just about everything is easier in my head.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

old habits yield a familiar outcome

i need to stop second guessing myself. sure, i can allow for a change in feelings. but so suddenly, without warning? i'm overthinking again. how can i stop doing this? it's what i do best.


i've put some events into motion. if i ever get feedback on them, i'll have a better idea of where i stand, and from there i can find a sturdy place to stand, and i'll attempt once again to keep my balance.

p.s. - i hate my mother.