Sunday, May 17, 2009


i've been remembering my dreams recently. it's strange, because i haven't had this happen in years. i'll tell you what i recall of them.

this one was two nights ago.

i'm in some sort of office building on the sixth or so floor. there's a stage and i'm watching a rehearsal. kristen cesar is there and she tells me that i have to brush my teeth. so, i leave the room and somehow wind up on the first landing, finished with brushing my teeth. so, i get on the elevator going back up. there's another guy on the elevator with me. he must work in the building, because he's balding and is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase.  the elevator has a tapered ceiling, like a rooftop, or the top half of a diamond. as the elevator goes up, i notice the ceiling getting lower on one side. i step out of the way, and the other guy just stands there and gets crushed, and blood gushes out. i wedge myself into a spot where i wont get crushed, and i wish myself out of there.

now, i'm in some village. there's a long lake, and i'm on some sort of wooden construct. there's a ramp and a balcony. it looks very rickety, but friendly. i walk into a shop, and there's a man and his wife (very yokel looking), and they're walking their pet pig. i don't think the pig wanted to be there, because he was trying to escape. the man was yelling at the pig to stay still. he lets go of the pig to talk to the store owner, and the pig runs, jumps off the balcony, over the lake and down some maybe 200ft to the other side where it splatters in cute pink pig goo. i think there were some intestines, but it wasn't really gross looking like it would be in real life. the wife is like, oh no, and i said something to the effect of well, it was a really good jump. the man came out and was very sad, and there was a production number (complete with camera angles, panning, cross-fading and the rest of the works) where the man sung a melancholy country ballad in memory of his pet pig. i woke up when it was over. it ended and it was sunset. i think the man said something in the song about regretting not having baptized the pig.

last night:

i parked my car outside some church-like building. the lot  i don't know what it was. but there was a desert next to it. i was on some sort of important mission, but i can't remember what. i ran through the desert and got to some ruined construct. i did something, and spoke to some cloaked people about something, and left. i think i was being followed, but i was too far ahead to be in danger. i ran back to my car, and got in and started it. a creepy looking hobo man was standing outside my door, and asking me for a ride. i told him that i had places to go and i didn't have time. he tried forcing his way in but i shut the door and locked him out and got away.

i was now in some room. there was a video game. i don't know what it was, but i think it was a fighting game. the tv was small and high on the wall, but when i went to play, i somehow saw everything. i was playing with someone else, and she was kind of there, but i was alone, but she was there. it was weird. she left, and then i left, and i woke up.

anyone have any interpretations? besides, "Matt, you're going bonkers;" i know that one already.

1 comment:

  1. hmm these seem really out-there.. the one with you parking your car and being on a mission seems to be the easiest to interpret.. it can probably be taken quite literally as you having a task or a responsibility to fulfill...
