Thursday, May 14, 2009

forty-eight hour nap dream

i'm so tired. it's not just the i-only-had-three-hours-of-sleep-last-night-and-i-won't-be-able-to-take-a-nap kind of tired. it's the what's-going-on-around-me kind of tired. i made a few people repeat themselves to me because i just spaced out on them. i'm not thinking properly, or at least as thoroughly as i could, and should be.

so yeah. basically, i can't wait until school ends so that i won't have to practice or study and i can catch up on some quite needed sleep...


  1. totally know what you're saying.. people need to constantly repeat things to me these days because my mind is somewhere else.. i dont even know where it is lol

  2. this summer, we'll find them again lol
