Monday, June 29, 2009

the malice of rumors

i should not have to defend my honor against people i risked it trying to help.

i should not be attacked by the person i aided, who is receiving information from the people i asked for aid, to help the person attacking me in the first place.

i should not be finding this out from this one person, while the others continue about their normal business.

i should not have to avoid a friend, regardless of how close, because of a rumor. because someone doesn't like me, because i attempted to prove that one a liar.

i should not have to be at the crossroads of a problem that isn't mine.



i am EXTREMELY PISSED about this. you know that this doesn't happen easily. you all know that i'm one of the hardest people to truly insult, because i just don't care. well, my friends, it's been done. someone has dubbed me untrustworthy without giving reason for it. i am NOT a liar. i lie, because i am human, and therefore prone to sins, but i honor truth more than most. i am deeply cut. until i find out what's going on, one can expect that i'll be not quite the most pleasant person to deal with, or at least, not as pleasant as usual. i will however, make efforts to subdue my emotions, so that you, my friends, will not be afflicted by problems that aren't your own. for, you do not deserve to suffer them, or their effects.

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