Sunday, January 25, 2009

i laughed about this a little bit

on this site, when you have to type in the random word to prove that you're not a spamming program, i almost always get (and by almost always, i mean that only once it didn't happen) a pronounceable word. for example, i juts got 'milyplat' on jackie's. i've gotten a few other interesting ones in the past, but i forget to write them down. i don't knw if anyone else noticed or tried to read them, but i found it kind of interesting and somewhat humorous.

i just got 'trizzle'. i lol'd; it made me feel like blogger was trying to be ghetto for some reason.

1 comment:

  1. ahhhaha. I just had this very same conversation on another blog I read. ;-) Blogger was def. trying to be ghetto w/ "trizzle".
